<div style="position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe src="https://iframe.mediadelivery.net/embed/171215/d4597fea-95eb-4300-bbad-b2be5cb3c50d?autoplay=false&loop=false&muted=false&preload=true" loading="lazy" style="border:0;position:absolute;top:0;height:100%;width:100%;" allow="accelerometer;gyroscope;autoplay;encrypted-media;picture-in-picture;" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div> # Re-envisioning Our Work: A Message from the President > What is an economy? The economy, to me, is the sum of every individual striving to improve their lives and pursue their dreams. As an economic development organization, it may be tempting to think of our role as one where we simply facilitate the movement of goods, the success of transactions, and the creation of jobs. > > But in reality, our work is centered around **people**. Our work is to create opportunities – to give every person in Greater Miami the ability to engage in our evolving economy to improve their lives. > > This strategic vision lays the foundation of how we intend to evolve into a **people-centered** and **future-focused** economic development organization – and drive a **sustainable, inclusive, and competitive economy**. > > This is a multi-year effort, requiring significant resources and phased implementation. We have identified activities that we hope to roll out in the first phase, and have ==highlighted== them in their respective pillars. > > We welcome your feedback, collaboration, and partnership to build a more prosperous future for Greater Miami. > > Sincerely, > **Rodrick Miller** > *President & CEO* > Miami-Dade Beacon Council # Explore our Pillars [[I  Grow the Economy]] [[II  Champion Miami]] [[III  Invest in People]] [[IIII  Shape the Future]] [[卌  Deliver & Track]] *** > **Next Page** > [[Our Context]]